On luck and hard work

I recently came across an event where a successful woman shares her stories and strategies for being successful. I don’t usually seek out success books, but they are difficult to avoid. Consequently, I have encountered most of what this woman has said, including how “if you help others; they will help you in return” and…

Learning to talk

Earlier today, during my Twitter procrastination from writing a proposal, I saw this call for response from the organization Minority and Philosophy (MAP), which is a student-run international nonprofit aimed at advocating for diversity and inclusion within academic philosophy: Did experiences with epistemic injustice as a student impact your teaching philosophy? We want to know…

What you need is not love

I’m in that awkward career stage where, on the one hand, I’m a senior grad student whom people go to for emotional (and sometimes logistical) support when things don’t work out the way they should, usually related to something a faculty member has done or didn’t do; on the other hand, I’m on the market,…